Finally a non virgin and getting over my crush of years

2 months ago 135

Hi everyone, I had been in love with someone for a very long time (you can call it an obsession if you like) and was hurting every day. I tried to connect with them but my attempts were blatantly ignored and it hurt a lot and I was not able to come to terms with it. Over time I realised that I don't mean anything to them(not even worth a thought) and I resolved to get over them but was not able to however hard I tried. Every day I would try to convince my mind and heart to forget them but it just didn't seem possible. I was hurting a lot. Also another thing that was eating away at me was that I was almost 25 and a virgin but with a very high libido. I wanted to have sex but never truly got the chance nor really tried either maybe because I respected my crush too much. One fine day I decided that I will at least have sex if I had no chance at love. I hired a hooker and lost my virginity to them. To be honest, it was a very bad experience and I was really guilt ridden at the end of it thinking was it even worth it? I was beginning to swore off sex too but something in me pushed me to give it another shot. My second experience was great, not because I enjoyed having my way with someone's body but I really loved interacting and being intimate with them. They were nice and respectful too. Then I tried for the third time with a different person and fortunately that turned out to be a great experience as well. This whole process has healed me to some extent of the pain and hurt of years although I am somewhat guilt ridden. Not seeking any advice, just wanted to write it off.

submitted by /u/gulgasaur
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