Feels like I’m stuck in a mental gridlock

2 months ago 34

I don’t really know what I’m looking out of this. Maybe I just need to vent. I’m 24 years old. Had my fair share of fun in college. Now I really wanna get serious about my life but it’s like I’m still stuck in a phase where I’m having a hard time being an adult. I take one step forward and ten backwards.

Alcohol has been detrimental. I get myself to stop drinking for weeks then I fall right back into it and when I do I make sure to do some serious damage. I wanna stop completely. I have a corporate job. Moneys okay. But I’m not saving anything. I’m running up debt even more. I can’t seem to focus on anything. I’ve lost 40 lbs since I moved to this city. I’m not eating, I’m not working out. My life was still more together in college than it is now. I know what I have to do but I can’t take action. I’ve become annoyingly lazy. I drank so much last Sunday I’m still hungover. Feel like I’m in a hole and I just keep digging.

Nothing feels right anymore. As I’m writing this idk how it went this bad compared to what it was like before covid for me. I know I should be grateful and I try to be coz there’s worse things happening but I just want my mind to stop racing every once in a while. I just wanna sit back and not worry. Any way I’m just releasing some frustrations, i apologize for making you read all that.

submitted by /u/aymanchow
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