this will be my first and last time ever coming on here to seek for advice as i'm not comfortable sharing all this online & might regret doing so later. but i'm (20F) currently working full time for a job that has no career progression and it's slowly taking a toll on me mentally. i would love to continue my studies but my family has been too reliant on me financially. my o'levels cld barely get me into any local poly either & i feel stuck. have been fighting battles with myself since i was 16 and always feeling as though theres no way out of this misery. i can't quit this job bcs my mom needs me as a co-owner to buy a house for our family once i turn 21. (need to hv atleast 12months of employment for hfe(?) or sumn) i can't find a job asap either since my current company requires a 1/2 month notice. i can't continue schooling unless i retake my o's but i feel as though i'm too old and have been too stressed out financially for my family that i can't afford to find any other sources for school, be it private diploma or tuition if i choose to retake my o's. this has been very draining for me as i'm always comparing my life with others my age. it feels unjust yet everyone has a different path paved for them to be successful & mine just so happens to be shitty af. any advices/opinions would mean alot to me.
(pls b nice, i genuinely can't take insults or critiscm w my mental health deteriorating lmao hahaah)
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