Feeling Left Out and Overlooked on a Trip

2 months ago 38

Last weekend, I went on a trip with a group of people. I’m a 29-year-old female software engineer and single.

The original plan was for me to go with my female friends, but things changed, and I ended up going with my friend, her boyfriend, and his female friends. One of them has a fancy job abroad.

I thought it would feel like two groups—me with my friend, and her boyfriend with his friends. But I ended up feeling left out, even though they didn’t ignore me. It’s hard to explain, but the vibe was off.

For example, when they took pictures with me, it didn’t feel the same as how they interacted with each other. They even create reels but did not include me.

What hurt the most was when someone told me not to finish the food we ordered to share, even though I paid equally for everything.

Now I feel like I was just a backup or an extra person in their plans.

Some might say I was just jealous of the girl with the fancy job abroad, but I don’t know. It felt like she was getting a lot of attention just because of that.

I’m soon turning 30, and I don’t have any of the three things people seem to value: a boyfriend, a fancy job, or friends who would put me first over their partners.

PS: Just Venting

submitted by /u/_willThrowAway_
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