Feeling genuinely lost at 24 and dealing with health issues that made me miss 2 years of school. Returning in the Winter but feeling discouraged and hoping to seek advice.

2 months ago 38

Having missed a significant amount of school dealing with my health, I descended into a very dark place. I am working hard to crawl out of this hole I am in, however, it is no easy task. When I chose my degree in Media I had a passion for working in the film industry. However, during my time away from my studies I realized finding work may be challenging. I pinch myself every day over this decision but I know I need to keep moving forward. I went to College before University and studied Mental Health & Addictions but never completed the program and could see myself working in this field. I have read online about combining the two areas of work, but I still feel so unsure of myself. If anyone can offer any advice or insight I would appreciate that. I am trying to enjoy the holidays coming so soon, but I am so in my head.

submitted by /u/Significant-Can8767
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