
13 hours ago 2

it’s a bit long but it’s good

so few years ago i met this one guy with my father like 3 years ago, he told him that i was a good student and will become a doctor and all that

of course i couldn’t become one, but in the last 2,3 years whenever i go out to a certain street there was always this old woman like a grandma maybe close to 70 always sitting there i never paid any attention but i saw her always

so today i woke up i wasn’t feeling well regarding all the admissions and the path i wanted to choose and i went to one place with my aunt and guess what we met the same that i met with my father 3 years ago and he asked me about the doctor stuff i didn’t said anything but i felt sad in the moment

but coming home i saw that woman again, i haven’t seen her for months i thought she was dead but my aunt knew her for some reason and asked me to stop by and i stopped there and the same woman i used to see all the time, my aunt asked her to pray to god that he becomes successful in life

it’s a coincidence because yesterday i was watching the matrix and there is this oracle in that, that woman i saw was oracle to my life she prayed to god for my life

idk but i’m feeling very well now, of course nobody can do anything without the permission of God but God sends people in your life and a way of help, i don’t know but i think i might just achieve something in my life from now on because last night i suddenly felt that trust in god like never before and the very next day this happened

submitted by /u/SouthernHamster922
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