Family relationships - was i wrong?

2 months ago 65

I'll keep it as short and sweet as I can.

My relationship with my father has always been rocky. DV growing up, all levels of abuse (minus sexual thankfully), manipulation tactics my whole life, hes also got bipolar and is a classic narcissist (is possibly ADHD and/or autistic). I stopped talking to him for about 8-10 years. I got pregnant and thought that maybe it was time to have him in my life again.

Everything was going well until the damn election. He already got under my skin with his beliefs that aligned with tRumps and even more so when he told me that woman are weaker to men and that they belong at home. So thats weighed on me.

Fast forward to the election. I don't talk to him for a fewbdays because I'm mad and angry with him for having those ideals. He texted and and asked how I was, i told him that I wasn't good and that I need to rethink how to approach our relationship moving forward. He was confused, and rightfully so. The comments and statements I made were out of context and fueled by anger, and not to mention I was emotionally disregulated for so long that it all just boiled over. (I'm not making excuses, im just saying like it is. I was in the wrong.) I told him that I needed to figure iut what my next step was and left it at that.

He texted me a week or two later saying that he hopes I don't stay afar for long because we don't know what the future holds. (Which i didn't like because it's just a manipulation phrase)

Fast forward to a few days before Thanksgiving, I texted him and asked him if we could call and talk. He sent me a thumbs up emoji. So I thought he'd call...he never did. So I waited a day, texted him again and said I'd like to talk. Never responded. On Thanksgiving I texted again that I was sorry and that I loved him. He never texted back, or called.

Fast forward to Christmas. A few days out he randomly texts me that my daughter has presents outside the door. Never called or texted to see if I was even home. I texted back thank you and that we were going to have a birthday party for my daughter turning 1 and that I could send the info if he wanted. He never texted back.

Christmas no text or call, my birthday is the 26th, no text or call, my daughters born jan 7th, no text or call. Nothing.

I feel like this is a manipulation tactics and that hes just being a narcissist. He's gone around and talked crap about other people to me and makes back handed comments about not being raised like this and not talking to him on a daily basis like he did his parents. He's told me time and time again how all these people have betrayed him, and he can't trust anybody. All classic stuff.

AITH for having laid my boundaries so thick and the way I held myself and I deserve this or ... i don't even know what anymore.

People keep telling me that this is too much on his part and that his love is clearly conditional. I'm not sure what to think and feel anymore.

submitted by /u/SnooDoubts5979
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