Hello. Im 19 and graduated high-school in the spring. I've got a decent job that I've advanced in, moved up in the world a bit, and still have time to do what I love. I'm looking for an apartment to get out of the house, teaching myself archery and hunting and going to buy a rifle, and just bought a used pit bike to teach myself to fix up and ride.
My family thinks I'm rushing life, but I'm catching up in my opinion. They say, "you've never liked these things! Why do it now?" Well, it's because we live in poverty and I am making enough money now to have disposable income for toys and what I want to do. I'm a good saver, so none of this is unplanned, to me anyway. I budgeted for toys.
Anyway, theyre all stressed out about me buying a rifle to hunt, and even more so about me riding around on a pit bike. I tell them, I won't be able to learn if I don't do it. I need to just do it and be able to say, yeah, I tried it, and maybe I don't like it. I can always sell it again.
I don't think I'm "rushing" - I'm doing what I've always dreamed of doing, now that I'm able to.
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