Everything is making you angry/ hateful

3 months ago 124


I have noticed something weird going on with everything that is going on in the world. Have not felt this much hate in my life that I have experienced in these last 4 years (i am also 25yo). I myself am not a hateful person (my thoughts) and I am trying to be as positive about everything how much I can, but it seems like hate around me is suffocating me. Reason why I am writing this is because I am seeing a pattern on media, music and on everything that is being released, to have an agenda to make people angry or hate something. It seems to me like all the disney movies, new games released by big corporations are doing purposely bad content to make people mad about everything. I just don't comprehend how most big names can make so big misses and it seems intentional. It's like the negativity is needed to fuel something. Maybe I am being just paranoid and the world is just in a s****y state.

submitted by /u/PsyhhoSeen
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