
3 months ago 37

I never had thoughts about self harm But these days I don’t wanna live anymore!! I don’t have guts to take my own life!!!!! This semester has been really hard I’ve been continuously struggling to score well I was studying the entire night still I got so anxious in front of the professor that I couldn’t speak at all. This is not the only time when I messed up my oral because of Anxiety. Istg I study but I can’t score I feel like Failure I feel so inferior to others I feel so dumb !! And on top of I’m alone I’m freaking lonely I miss Home I feel so insecure about everything Every time I try to motivate myself by saying things will be okay but it’s been months and nothing seems alright everything is messed up!!
I need help idk what should I do I’m so vulnerable and I hate the fact that I’m so Alone!!! I just wish somebody was there with me A lil support is what I seek for !!!

submitted by /u/Masoom25
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