Dracula had the most frustrating ending I have ever read

3 months ago 51

The first 250 pages or so was hard to put down, aside from some lulls in the whole Lucy storyline. But up until the point that Renfield died I thought it was one of the most entertaining novels I had ever read; on par with other classic gothic novels that I loved such as Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, The Monk, or the Turn of the Screw.

But wow, those last 100 pages was pure torture, aside from that small part for like 2 pages where Dracula formed his bond with Mina as she was sleeping. Other than that, just filler. So repetitive, dull, and anticlimactic. I almost stopped reading with 20 pages left and threw my book across the room because I could only take so much of them waiting for Dracula and then hypnotizing Mina to talk about waves splashing by. Or when before that they were waiting on Dracula to arrive they just snuck from house to house looking for his boxes. What the fuck man! That's it! How on earth does a book that started out this good become such a snooze fest in the end. The whole time I was thinking that maybe they get caught and get involved with the police, or maybe there is some drama within the group that jeopardizes the whole plan; but nothing happens! They don't even have a showdown with Dracula! I seriously feel pissed off after reading that. Sorry for the ranting but that last act was so frustrating and unforgivable, especially with how great the first 250ish pages were. I have never been so disappointed by the ending of a book before.

submitted by /u/Roundballroll
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