Don’t know what to do with my life

2 months ago 36

I just turned 30, highest level of education is high school. I’ve been at my current job for 7 years and I hate it. I make $28/hour which I think is pretty good for my area and I usually get overtime every week. I work at a restoration and cleaning company and we just about everything. Monday I could be cleaning commercial air ducts, Tuesday I could be demoing a kitchen that started on fire, Wednesday I could be cleaning up after a dead body and the rest of the week maybe I’m mitigating water damage in a flooded basement. I’ve learned a lot of different skills like power tools, basic plumbing and electrical detachment, backing up trailers, dry ice blasting, etc. I feel like I’m stuck here and I don’t know how to move forward.

I can’t really afford to take a pay cut to find a better job, I don’t even know what would make me happy at this point. Almost all the jobs in my pay range require previous experience of certifications.

I guess I’m just looking for advice on what the hell to do. Part of me just wants to stay stuck because it’s where I’m comfortable but I find it hard to find joy in anything I used to.

submitted by /u/Sauce218
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