Does this show that we are not doing enough "homework" ?

2 months ago 82
Does this show that we are not doing enough "homework" ?

As much as many people will feel disappointed that Billy Carson is perhaps not the person they believed him to be, I believe that this whole situation underlines a flaw in our collective research, and that flaw is actually fact checking what we believe to be true.

I joined conspiracy theories many years ago as a die-hard David Icke fan boy, believing every word Icke said while I followed in his footsteps of research.

And the more I researched, the more I realised that what is presented in many popular conspiracy theories is nowhere near the truth of the sources.

When trying to figure out why misinformation has become so prevalent, the answer I personally found was that it was from a lack of “homework” and people relying on confirmation bias (being told what you want to hear) from videos that literally put our brains into the “Alpha” state and make us more susceptible to accepting new information.

As we sit through the endless hours of conspiracy explanations, our minds become calm and accepting to the information that we see, while at the same time, we are told that our own critical views of the world are correct and perhaps even worse than we thought, which puts us in a state of anxiety and makes us susceptible to accepting new ideas and even makes us change our own actions. How many of us didn't take the vaccine because of convincing conspiracy videos, compared to actually understanding the science ?.. most, if not all of us.

An example of flawed research:

The videos of Bohemian Grove have led many to believe that the “Elite” go there to make a sacrifice to the Canaanite God Moloch. Moloch is a god of child sacrifice, yet, the Alex Jones video of the Grove shows a full grown man.

Not only is it a man, but it is clearly a mannequin that never moves a muscle while a fake scream is played over the speakers. The “sacrifice” people are watching is actually a play called the Cremation of Care, and the burning of the effigy is symbolic of releasing stress. There is also not a single connection between moloch and owls, even when we look at other associated names like Enlil, Kronos, or Kumarbi.. There is no link to owls at all.

Another example is calling the Elite “Satanists”. At every step throughout history it has been the Elite who has forced Christianity onto us, along with the worship of YHWH & Christ, yet, we call them Satanists.

It was the Roman Empire who declared Christ's divinity and it was Rome who forced the religion onto their own people before using it to conquer the world.

Every Bible that has been made public has been given by the Elite and while they are now labelled “Satanists”, it was this same group of people who created heresy laws that punished anyone who went against the doctrine of the Bible to death up until 1677 and forced taxes out of our hands to build the very churches many now run to in opposition of them.

It’s akin to creating 2 paths.. pre-setting a trap on one path (Monotheism), and then lighting a fire on the other path (NWO/Satanism) and watching as the herd naturally avoid the fire and willingly fall straight into the pit.

Our collective belief in most conspiracy theories without sufficient evidence to back them up is misplacing much of our efforts in finding the truth, and is giving the Elite a blanket in which they can hide behind, because anyone looking into many of our conspiracy theories seriously and looking for the evidence to back them up methodically will see that there is no real foundation to the claim and will never see that there really is a genuine Elite that really do pull the strings from the shadows.

We need to do more than rely on a small group of people to tell us what is and isn't true and come to collective truths that are backed up by reasonable and rational proof thst also takes into consideration the elites own words around manipulating us in the current age with “necessary evils” and “catastrophes” to bring us into what Albert Pike beautifully articulated as “the revolution prepared by the ages”.

submitted by /u/Truthsurge_24
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