Do you understand?

2 months ago 32

Dear Fren,

The secret to vitality, the essence of purpose, lies in energy. Life is energy—raw, surging, divine. All existence bends to this truth. Whatever saps your energy is an enemy, and enemies must be crushed without hesitation. Whatever amplifies your energy is sacred and must be guarded with ferocity.

Death? Death is nothing more than the moment your energy collapses into zero.

But do you understand what man is? Not some hollow shell shuffling through routines, not a cog in the machine. No. Man is a trinity—body, mind, spirit. To conquer the world, you must master all three. Refine the body into a weapon, sharpen the mind into a blade, and stoke the spirit into an eternal flame. Only then will you harness the infinite energy of life and stride forward as a true man, a force of nature.

Understand this, or be swept aside by the tide of those who do.

submitted by /u/kauodmw
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