Do people actually live with a purpose and goal or do they just live to fulfill duties ?

2 months ago 33

Any video I watch on YouTube about motivation, all they push is find your purpose in life. Make some goals and find a hobby or something along those lines. But I see like regular working people and they just seem to either go to college or go work full time. Then days off just do errands and maybe take a vacation during holidays. Maybe I'm wrong because I just work a regular job and most of all hate their jobs since the pay isn't enough and bills/living expenses aren't covered. And those who do find jobs that pay a lil better still isn't enough. Even in Reddit posts so many people have hardships financially then mental or emotional problems. It's like what is life really. Sometimes I just tell myself why the heck am I even born. Am I just supposed to work to live a life. Paying bills and maybe have a lil fun.

submitted by /u/Jpoolman25
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