Debating who has it harder in life, men or women?
I'm a woman, so I can only share from a woman's perspective.
Women go through periods, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding - all are physical pains. Then some are unfortunate to go through mental abuse. Abusive husband, forced marriage, single parent(if guy leaves) toxic in laws.
Men go through.. what? I am genuinely asking and eager to read the answers.
I was a relatively religious person, but lately I've been questioning things a lot. I've been feeling like things are harder for women, and then I wonder how is that fair? Did God make it a man's world? Why do women have to suffer more?
Religion often teaches us how we'll be rewarded for things like (on top of my head) childbirth, etc. But why is it even there for women to begin with? What's the equivalent for a man? So many men leave when they get a girl pregnant, why is it only the girl who is burdened when she ends up being the single parent? The man will go off doing what he wants and having his own life ahead. I've seen a lot of men in my family have affairs and the wives end up forgiving and moving on. How and why though? They didn't deserve that, they were rather brainwashed into thinking that it's natural for men to fall in lust because they're built that way? So women just have to forgive and forget?
Maybe it must have been much harder for men back when there were wars, but what about now?
And for the women who aren't religious, how do you feel about these general hardships women have to face and men have it "easier"? I'm so confused about religion all of a sudden
I'm completely open to hearing if I'm wrong btw.
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