Did not expect this to happen…….

3 months ago 41

(Long read)****** Last weekend I (19f) went to some friend’s house for a fall party, these friends also happen to be the family of my ex, he wasn’t there so I felt it would be fine which it was, we had a good time

But the next day comes, we’re still there, and low and behold he walks in the house and heads upstairs. I immediately wanted to leave, texted my sister and asked her to pick me up which she said yes to, but I was also consulting with my two sisters that were there with me. I ended up deciding to stay because I was genuinely having a good time with them, and I didn’t wanna take myself away from that plus he wasn’t around us so I thought it was kinda okay.

But the next day comes, we’re still there, and low and behold he walks in the house and heads upstairs. I immediately wanted to leave, texted my sister and asked her to pick me up which she said yes to, but I was also consulting with my two sisters that were there with me. I ended up deciding to stay because I was genuinely having a good time with them, and I didn’t wanna take myself away from that plus he wasn’t around us so I thought it was kinda okay

So later on, their other family starts come over, and he comes downstairs. We all played cards, and me, my younger sister, and him were all sitting around the table talking. I was mostly talking to my sister and he would chime in on the conversation ig, it wasn’t bad but it was the same vibe every time we’re around each other So we start drinking, and I had this drink called a buzz ball (big mistake) so he, my sister, and I all go to the living room to make TikToks, where we were running in a circle whatever And my drink started kicking in, I was laughing at everything but whatever lol, he was buzzed too, so my little sister trying to be a therapist sits both of us down, and asked how we felt about each other.

He responded saying that he liked when I came around and felt disappointed sometimes when I didn’t come. I responded by telling him everything I felt after we broke up. How he hurt me, how I hated him for a while, and how much I was really struggling. He apologized for the way he handled the breakup, and said that he didn’t know how to navigate the relationship at the time and that it was difficult for him. He said the breakup was hard for him too but he felt that he should try to move on. We talked for about 20-30 mins it felt like, then we ended with a hug (multiple hugs) then that was it. We’ve been in contact but something seems so weird, he flirts but he’s also distant. He’s asked me to hang out also, I just am not sure what I should do about this.

submitted by /u/PrinciplePatient5440
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