Did anyone else not like American Gods?

1 month ago 70

Yes, it's because of the allegations I'm asking. I've been a fantasy/mythology fan my entire life, it's definitely my most heavily read genre. There have been 3 distinct times throughout my life I've tried to get into the series and every time I had to put the book down due to boredom. It's actually on the list of books I can count on one hand I've never finished. Anytime I'm looking for new fantasy to read obv its praises are sang from the rooftops which is why I kept giving it chances - always felt such a wild disconnect with the fantasy fans due to just not seeing what all the hype is about. I did wonder how much of it was groupthink, i.e. it's good bc people say it's good, also felt like any dissenting opinions were swiftly stifled/squashed by the cult-like following. Now I actually feel relieved that I can't ever say I've been a fan - was wondering how many people feel the same way and just haven't been able to say anything.

submitted by /u/ThNippleBrigade
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