1 month ago 21

i have noticed that i am not a person with confidence , i tend to doubt myself heavily

especially when it comes to trying new things or talking to people

i let opportunities slip past me ,because of my inaction

i am hyper analyticAL AND too self conscious of myself to try anything new

i was wondering what are some things to develop more grit , toughness and belief in myself that i can do anything and then actually do it

i feel a lot like a loser (i know the rules say trauam dumping isn't allowed) but i wanted to share my internal dialogue

i am young man without much ,no job , nothing

my life feels unbearingly bland

please someone give me tailored advice to my scenario to help me change and become better in the next 30 days or this year , we are about to hit February

submitted by /u/Ok-Bass6594
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