Dear whoever's watching this right now:

3 months ago 59

You don't need to scroll any further.

In fact, you shouldn't.

There's nothing for you here. It's the old stuff.

It's your friends doing things without you. It's celebrities you think you care about that have no idea you exist. It's a brand trying to sell you stuff.

It's your fear of missing out on rearing its ugly head and making you stay longer than you should.

To this app and to this device that you're holding, you're nothing more than a number.

A line of code. Data is information people use to profit off of.

But off their device, in the real world, you're a person.

A person with wants, needs, feelings, and dreams.

So go be a person. Not a line of code.

Thank you for watching. I hope this helped, and remember...

Keep scrolling mindfully.

submitted by /u/BRB4ever
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