Dear Reddit number 364

2 months ago 42

I'm here sitting in the coules , on the mountain top looking on a village that I have spent 6 months in . I travel alot but I'll just get to my point. It's not worth it . I was a weed addict a and a cigarette addict I stoped everything for 6 months all together Sober . I have my day off and after a normal day of gym I decided to go to souna and to climb the mountain. After the sauna I arrived home and decided to make a joint with my favourite tobacco and that weed that I hid away from myself. After 6 months absorbing the sober life that they spoke of , of all the bad times and the good ones . Few days ago I've met a girl on snap don't ask , but we felt something... At least I felt a strong connection like the universe is said yes this one . She didn't want anything with me due to my imperfection. Due to me being shorter then her. I know . Who doesn't like u for you ... and all of that stuff but man . I can't explain the pain I felt like it doesn't matter if I did all these stuff when my imperfection is something that I can't change even if I the force says something. My hands are freezing, so I better go. Just wanted to share this what I had on my mind.

submitted by /u/ExpensiveExtreme7195
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