Cremation math for 6,000,000

2 months ago 30

To cremate 6,000,000 bodies using 500 ovens operating 12-hour workdays, the total time required would be approximately 1,500 days, or about 4.11 years.

Each cremation would take 1.5 hours, and with 500 ovens working in parallel, a total of 6,000 oven-hours per day would be used.

The fuel cost for each cremation is estimated to be between 30 to 50 cents, bringing the total fuel cost for the entire process to between $1.8 million and $3 million.

As for the number of workers involved, assuming a typical crematory requires one worker per oven per shift, at least 500 workerswould be needed for the 12-hour shifts, with additional staff for maintenance, logistics, and oversight, depending on the specific operations.

This large-scale operation would require careful coordination, but with 500 ovens running efficiently, the task could be completed in just over 4 years.

Let us also note that fuel was at a premium when Germany was losing the war. And money and fuel would not have likely been spent here but rather on the front.

Does this seem sus to anyone else? I’m not denying bad things happen during war - just trying to understand the math here. I know all 6,000,000 were not cremated. I presume many were buried in mass graves. The maths don’t add up here. At all.

submitted by /u/LEAVESCELL
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