Covid as a mass disabling event

2 months ago 32

Covid has been a bugbear for me since 2020 and the thing that has stuck in my mind for the longest is how the ghouls in the private medical industry conveniently left out the fact that Covid is NOT a respretory virus, it's VASCULAR. Covid attacks far more than just your lungs, it attacks whatever it can find along your vascular highway. When people lose their sense of smell it's NEUROLOGICAL, Covid is attacking their BRAIN not their nose.

It leads me to believe that, similar to the AIDS travesty, we have not seen the extent of Covid's effects on the population. Repeated infections can lead to permenant damage, I have a friend who's lost hearing in one ear because of her infection. It's rare for sure but Covid has become endemic and will be with us for a long, long time. It's a worse case scenario but I can see a mass disabling event in the coming decades.

submitted by /u/ChiefRunningBit
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