Couple of informative Epstein videos

4 hours ago 6

I came across this YouTube channel the other day and he's got a couple videos going over Epstein's connections to both Donald Trump and Bill Clinton. This guy doesn't seem to be a fan of either Democrats or Republicans, so I feel that makes the videos more trustworthy.

I'd especially urge anyone who is a Trump fan to watch the one about him. I used to fully believe that Trump was actually trying to bring down the Deep State pedos until the last year or so when I've slowly pulled myself out of that con. I know how hard it is to let it go, but the more conspiracy theorists (who are right about other things but still sold on Trump) that turn their back on Trump, the better, imo.

The channel name is "Chill Goblin" and here are the links:

Trump & Epstein: Every known connection:

Bill Clinton & Jeffrey Epstein: Every known connection:

submitted by /u/forgotmypassword4714
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