Conspiracies we're not supposed to talk about part 2...

2 months ago 76

The people who quietly control the Federal Reserve and International Monetary Fund have been buying governments for longer than any of us have been alive.

Dr King would have been elected President in either 1980 or 1984.

A 50,000 pound tungsten rod dropped from low earth orbit onto the upper magma chamber of the Yellowstone super volcano would effectively wipe out the human race within a decade.

66 years between first flight at Kitty Hawk and fist footprints on the moon. 1886 the first gas powered automobile is patented by Carl Benz. 136 years later and humanity still hasn't mass produced a vehicle that gets 100 miles per gallon.

Bitcoin mining and AI research facilities are designed to utilize massive amounts of electricity which keeps prices high.

The CIA used Howard Hughes as a front to try and raise a sunken Russian submarine. The operation was only partially successful but the idea of using wealthy individuals ended up creating Operation Midas. Every politically active billionaire comes from this program.

Humanity is not the only native intelligent life on this planet.

Edit: just had a thought...

Imagine a mathematical formula so advanced it could decode the book of life aka DNA. The only problem is that this formula builds upon itself and gets more complicated as it's discovered. Now break the formula down into 21 million parts and you have Bitcoin.

The only other thing needed would be a computer advanced enough to understand and recreate the DNA combinations that would eventually lead to immortality. Bring on the AI Revolution.

submitted by /u/DruidicMagic
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