Conspiracies we're not supposed to talk about...

2 months ago 81

UFOs are top secret code word clearance black projects we've been funding since World War II.

Scientific research has been suppressed thanks to National Security and corporate secrecy.

Environmental damage on a global scale is part of a plan to control food production.

Four decades of trickle down economic failure has killed the American dream.

The Cocaine Import Agency and Federal Blackmail Institute exist.

Operation Mockingbird controls the vast majority of media outlets.

The war on drugs was about controlling the supply not stopping it.

RIP Gary Webb.

Iraq and Afghanistan weren't involved in 9-11.

Tower 7 wasn't hit by a plane.

The borders remained unsecured after a major terrorist attack.

The Pentagon has failed one audit after another yet still gets 1/3 of our tax dollars.

RIP Michael Hastings.

Students loans indebted entire generations while good paying jobs were outsourced overseas.

Washington cares more about increasing stock prices than helping the American people.

The DNC/RNC are two privately run job placement agencies that has racked up 36 trillion dollars in debt we're supposed to pay off.

Politics is a soap opera that's designed to divide us along ideological lines while simultaneously motivating we the employers into donating money to our preferred future employees.

The vast majority of Washington has AIPAC handlers and support the genocide in Gaza.

Every social media platform is filled with AI bots and troll farm shills pushing a divide and conquer strategy.

The global banking cabal controls every major government on earth.

submitted by /u/DruidicMagic
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