Confusion and voidness of life

2 months ago 129

I’m 27 year old female working abroad far from family, doing finance, basically a well paid but very intense job. Having been living like this for 2 years but I often find myself in a depressing and even hopeless mood. Open to and grateful for any suggestions and experiences sharing

1/ in the past when I was a student moving around all the time for internships or exchange, I always felt this instability was temporary and there was an ultimate goal ie a good job. Now although I achieved it I actually don’t feel happy probably because there is no clear goal anymore and I lost the pattern of what I always had in the past, ie pursuing something

2/ I don’t even have any motivation to finish early and go home as there is nobody waiting for me and I don’t even know what to do. Sometimes I worry that if I do a normal job finishing at 5 pm, what to do with my time

3/ I don’t have a boyfriend and actually I never had one (may sound very weird, I come from a kinda conservative family and also I’m very much a introvert) in the past I always liked being alone and felt bothered if someone wanted to join me doing stuff. But since starting this job in this big city, I feel the need of company. I tried dating app but stopped for a while. Probably hurt others while also got hurt to a certain extent

4/ a typical scene, looking out at the dark from office at midnight or anytime during the day especially early evening, I just start to question the meaning of life - what’s the point and where is the hope, what am I working towards

submitted by /u/Unlikely_Cut_5804
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