Christmas shopping does not have the same joy it once gave me.

3 months ago 37

I feel like the idea of gifts, especially at Christmas is becoming a chore for me. We don't have kids, and I do enjoy buying gifts for our 4 nieces. However, we live far away and out families rarely get together. My husband and I are officially the aunt and uncle the kids never see but get a gift from each year. It feels a little empty. Buying for the adults in my family feels like a waste of money. We all have access to Amazon and department stores. To find something someone wants that they wouldn't have bought for themselves is really hard to do. However, there is still this lingering pressure that we all must buy gifts for each other. I started trying to give experiences rather than things, as I feel the memories from the experience adds more value. Even if I can't be there, getting people together to do something fun together feels better to me than giving them something they won't use, or return. Idk am I the only one feeling this?

submitted by /u/afinance035
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