Can’t tell if this girl likes me or not

3 months ago 61

I 20M have been hanging out with this girl 20F for a few months now, a month or so ago my parents went on vacation and had me keep the dogs at my apartment to watch them. I sent her a picture of the dogs and she texted me asking to come over to see them. My parents have gone out of town twice since then and both times I watched the dogs and she’s come over to see/walk them with me. She also took me out to eat on my birthday and then Stayed at my place with some other friends until midnight the day before to wish me a happy birthday at midnight.

Over thanksgiving she called me to ask to see the dogs and we talked for a little bit. She also has been sending me a lot of stuff on instagram (mainly memes) and my cousin (19F) told me that that’s a sign she might like me. I am slightly on the spectrum and have a very hard time reading people to tell if they are genuinely interested in me and stuff. My friends are saying she is and so are the family members I have talked to about it. Any thoughts?

TL;DR: I like this girl but can’t tell if she likes me

submitted by /u/Due_Mulberry7053
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