Can it be any more obvious that reddit is a propaganda mouthpiece for the left?

3 months ago 39

At first I was going off the deep end and thinking that the “popular” posts were pre-manufactured with specific comments being artificially upvoted before ever being actually posted.

Now a second trend seems to be emerging in which posts are being “locked” so that you do not even have a chance to comment on them. This is virtually no different than those old communist posters that were hung up in the past in which it was forbidden to deface or remove. In this instance, the defacing would be equivalent to making your own comment on these locked post that didn’t follow along, lock and step, with the narrative.

I mean if the comments were getting so out of control that the mods supposedly feel the need to lock it, they should probably remove the post entirely. But that would be like ripping the propaganda poster off the wall, wouldn’t it?

submitted by /u/Front_Somewhere2285
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