Can I still build a career in IT at age 33 after a devastating OXY and ice addiction?

14 hours ago 5

Can I still build a career in IT at age 33 after a devastating OXY and ice addiction?

40 months clean from oxy and benzos and ice. I worked on computers since age 14 and for 5 months in an IT helpdesk internship and 6 months as a desktop support in 2018 and have a bachelor's degree in IT with a 3.8 gpa. I've been out of work for 6 years because of my addiction and long recovery. Can I still go back into IT and create a great career? Are all of the core concepts of IT still the same?

I know I'll have to start in helpdesk but after I get some experience I want to become a system admin and then go from there. Is there hope? Has anyone else here came back from addiction and made a great career in IT? How can I best explain the employment gap and is it a big deal?

I only have one DUI misdemeanor from 5 years ago If you're wondering about a criminal record.

submitted by /u/IR30Lover
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