
2 months ago 21

I am getting older and require less food and it does not make me happy to eat but feeling full does.

Strangely I stopped fasting once a day, once a month. Read something about how it was good for giving your body a rest and enter a fast state. Might pick that up again. Although it seems like when I was a youthful teenager I would feast the next day and kind of counterweight the fast.

I read a small excerpt a few odd years ago from a book I'd long forgotten about, how a older lady goes to fish market and peruses the aisles. She then says "I have tried everything thing here already."

Maybe that is what being old feels like, nothing is new, nothing is exciting, required knowledge acknowledges the future. But with this experience you'd be a young fool to not take things at face value.

For life is character, attitude. And I am full and happy right now.

submitted by /u/Bowel_Movement69
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