Being “attractive” and desirable on a real level is 80% confidence

3 months ago 42

I see so many posts on reddit with “ I’m so ugly” “I’ll be alone forever”, I feel for you all because it is a very real and heavy mindset, and it is that mindset that is trapping you.

The problem is in that mindset it is impossible to see the simple logic behind Beleiving in yourself.

It really comes down to the simple fact that being in a state of Beleiving in yourself projects a more positive and inviting energy into your interactions with peoples, and it improves your posture and body language. Your cortisol levels go down. Your brainwaves move slower. Life in general comes at a slower pace. Things don’t seem so heavy. There is less anxiety. It is easier to form real connections with people. Social barriers are easier to break down. You carry yourself with more charisma. Things seem to be funnier, it’s easier to see the humor in things. It takes you out of your own mind when communicating.

Obviously, getting to this state of Beleiving in yourself is difficult, you have to consciously make a choice to stop feeling sorry for yourself first. You have to also sustain this state when life throws you hard shit. It’s normal to have doubts and insecurities, everyone has them

When it comes to looks, there is only so much you can be in control of. Life isn’t fair, some people appear like they have no problems and live life on easy mode. You never know what somebody is going through.

submitted by /u/Outrageous-Eye-6658
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