Badass/Child Duos

8 hours ago 4

I've noticed recently that there's a trend in literature, tv shows, and video games where the main dynamic is an older, legendary warrior who guards and protects a young girl who is destined to save the world. I'm making this post to see if anyone has any more examples than the main three I'm about to list.

The Witcher - Geralt of Rivia and Ciri

The Last of Us - Joel and Ellie

Empire of the Vampire - Gabriel de Leon and Dior Lachance

Spoilers for all three stories below, but especially for EotV since that is a new, unfinished series.

Geralt, Joel, and Gabriel - the Badasses

All three men are older, extremely tough and trained fighters. They are the scions of a fading order or society and are noted renegades. Geralt is an oddity even among witchers, having extra mutations as well as being far more politically involved than his brothers. Joel and Gabriel live in dystopian societies, Gabriel specifically abandoning his life as a fighter for years. (Joel and Gabriel also lost their families prior to the main stories, more specifically their young daughter.)

All three are also old comparatively to the other main leads, who all more or less adopt their charges. They each all choose to try to save the child rather than potentially save the world.

Ciri, Ellie, and Dior - The Children

The counterparts to the older, grizzled and retired fighters, the three orphaned girls are each believed to be the saviors of their worlds. Ciri is a child of the Elder Blood, Ellie's brain could be the cure to the virus that has destroyed society, and Dior >!is the Holy Grail<. They are accomplished fighters as well, learning from their protectors.

All each must be killed in order to end whatever phenomenon is threatening/ruining their world (allegedly). They are far more willing to accept this and sacrifice themselves than the men.

I also think it's interesting to note that none of the girls are heterosexual, nor that any of them have living biological family.

Are there any other examples that follow these tropes so closely? I think Last of Us and Empire of the Vampire especially are so, so similar, but Witcher is such an iconic example I needed to include it.

submitted by /u/Choice-Librarian-761
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