
2 months ago 28

I'm not a scientist. Ill admit that. I sat for 6 months recovering from a neck surgery and the muscle atrophy i experienced left me unable to walk. Through 6 months of physical therapy I was able to walk but still have issues. So we are told that these astronauts on the ISS live in a weightless environment (there's no artificial gravity) for 6 months, sometimes longer, at a time and have no muscle issues. NASA will tell you that they "work out" two hours a day, lifting weights and riding stationary bikes. Its a weightless environment. Riding the bike or "lifting a weightless weight" would do NOTHING. Just looking at the eye test, common sense, I don't believe what we're being told. Add that to the pile of videos where it's obvious there's wires, the women's hair ridiculously standing on end like there's 3 cans of hairspray in it or wires, not freely flowing like something in zero gravity, unlimited NASA made oxygen..... Its insulting our intelligence.

submitted by /u/kittyBoyLacroix
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