Are there good men in real? Rant incoming

3 hours ago 4

33F, Tried dating apps, matrimony apps, arrange marriage meet-ups and all of it has shook my belief that there are good men out there. And when i say good men, I mean an individual who can try to understand things if not feel emotions like we women do, has a goal, knows what he wants(if he wants to be a family man or not, same with kids etc). It’s sad to see robots roaming around with no clarity, unhealed wounds, all kind of family issues, projections etc. Is it too much to ask that you work on yourself before you decide to date? Why are you all so traumatised by your past/family life and give no thought to yourself? Everything needs work. Why does it not occur to men in general to ponder upon themself, their environment, patterns etc. the ignorance isn’t helping anyone. Don’t make it hard for us to love you. Life is already hard enough, love doesn’t have to.

To men above 31: what are the things you look for in a woman?reasons you broke up? Do you regret it? Why? Do you wish to go back? Do you even want a woman or single life Is too good and use dates as fillers? What is the thought process in general when it comes to dating.

submitted by /u/Just-Monk-3950
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