Is real romance dead?

4 hours ago 4

(27F) hopeless romantic. Have been in relationships since I was 12 and have never found the kind of love that is portrayed in Disney Movies or The Notebook etc. Relationships have become depressing and boring to me with the idea that I’ll never find the intimate love I’m looking for. I’ve always been a lover girl and would have thought by now I would be put up in a beautiful house happily in love with someone who I can have children with. I can’t enjoy sex either unless there’s intimacy rooted in it. Like what should I do to fill this void? I wish there was some sort of safe place hopeless romantics could go to get the fulfillment they’re looking for like the way someone can go to the strip club and indulge in their fantasies, I wish there was one like that but if you want to be intimate and role play making love. Is that weird?

submitted by /u/Ok-Storm2260
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