Anyone else just wanna live a simple life?

2 months ago 33

In a day and age where everyone is just obsessed with becoming rich or making as much money as they can, does anyone else just wanna lead a simple life? These days you can tell someone you just wanna be average and the look on their face is as if they’ve seen a ghost. Seriously who wants to chase money all their life? Time is so valuable once it’s gone you can never get it back. The problem today is people chase money excessively, that they want more than they actually need at the cost of their valuable time which they will never get back. God I can’t imagine living a life like that. Hustle culture is consuming everyone as a whole. If you had no friends or family and no hobbies, then yeah fair enough I can imagine why someone would dedicate their life to wanting to chase money because they have nothing else going on in their life. But so many people have so many beautiful aspects to their life which they ignore just to focus on money. Idk man, could never be me. Anyone relate?

submitted by /u/Distinct_Sir_9086
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