Anyone else is experiencing something similar?

3 weeks ago 15

Before you read this, I just want to say that I don't hate my grandma, I just hate the things I'll mention on her. I'm exaggerating, but it's for fun.

Yeah so my grandma is like 77 years old and she was just fine a few months back, but then covid struck in and she has taken a massive turn for the worse, and it's going downhill fast. Not only her short-time memory is like million times worse than mine, but she's also stealing stuff. One time she grabbed my clothes and wore them. Another time she asked what I am doing with her shirt when it was mine. The worst thing is, they want to PAIR MY NEW ROOM WITH HER. Honestly at this point I'll give up the room even though it's the only one in the house where I can do gaming videos because they always have the tv on high volume (if I ask them to lower it, they are immediately angry with me) which is like what I R E A L L Y want to do in life. And just to mention, I'm a traditional and digital artist and I like crafting. Imagine.. you know what, don't.

(Only artists will fully understand) Anyways what I wanted to say is that I was crafting a paper mask for myself and used that one favorite pencil in the process. And I unintentionally leave my stuff in open places for me to see because I often don't know where anything I of mine is. So I did grab everything else I used for the crafting, but left that pencil in a shelf for later use. My grandma came grabbed it and now it's hers, and to make it worse, she lost it. Thank you grandma. I now have nothing to draw with. (I do, but I'm like a massive pedant on my things, what's mine is mine and that's it and if I have a favorite object and someone loses it or their dog chews on it (which actually happened with my previous favorite pencil), they await hell.)

Now I'm so fed up with all this that I just want to move away. Yes, you may say that I'm like a little kid, blah blah. But it's not only the things I mentioned. (Not being allowed to do what I want, like "being" a therian else they will tell everyone and throw me out, not being able to fall asleep due to the tv always being on high volume, them doing extra noise because I asked them if they could be a bit less noisy..)

Is there anyone serious who knows what to do in this situation?

submitted by /u/carolmeii
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