Anyone else here been searching things on Google with "reddit" in the term to find better results notice it's gone... dead?

2 months ago 55

We've already been talking about the slow death of search engines which has been largely exasperated by AI. This isn't a conspiracy. This is just the harsh reality of corporate greed completely killing the internet.

A lot of us have openly joked about how we started searching things on Google like "reddit how to fix my car" rather than just "how to fix my car"

This has worked very well. Up until the last few days.

I'm studying right now. Reddit has been an incredible source of in-depth conversation covering nearly 2 decades of academics, professors, and scholars having open conversations here.

This has worked out well for me up until a certain someone did a certain thing to a three-letter dude that resulted in a media shit-storm. The very government itself has pointed its gaze in our direction.

It's like the search engine doesn't want me googling anything on Reddit.

A couple of nights ago I couldn't search past the first page. Tonight? I'm really not pulling up results at all. The second page of a "Reddit insert question here has been "your search has yielded no results" all night.

Is this exclusive to me? Did I inadvertently nuke my own algorithm somehow and my browser no longer knows what I'm looking for?

This is starting to feel a lot like the end of 2019 all over again when this website got stuck with all of the blame for the protests.

submitted by /u/Extra-Knowledge884
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