Anyone else feel stuck watching life pass them by?

2 months ago 27

I’m only 24, but there’s so much in life I’ve never experienced. Sometimes I get sad because I don’t know if I ever will. I’ve never dated. I’ve never had my first kiss. I’ve never been desired fully by another human being. I’ve had the same group of “friends” since elementary school, and continuously struggle to branch out when everyone has their own clique.

I keep trying to change my life and experience these things but it’s hard. I’m poor, have no family to rely on, and have very little money, which makes going to social events consistently as an adult difficult. I’m about to graduate with a job when I’m 26, which may help with dating, but I’m afraid I’ll be too old by then.

It’s just frustrating. Most of the people my age started dating and forming large social groups over a fucking decade ago. I know coming across as needy like this will do more harm than good, but I’m afraid if I just sit back and “wait for it to happen” I’ll be 35 years old in the same exact position. I do not want this to be the case.

submitted by /u/Minespidurr
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