Anyone else feel like they just can’t watch the news anymore?

2 months ago 148

I’ve always had an interest in current affairs and known the importance of keeping up with what is going on in the world, but I can’t help but think I would be better off mentally not knowing anymore about these daily atrocities and specifically the extreme downward spiral of my country (USA) and the dystopian state we are moving towards as a society. In the past week alone I’ve seen a woman set on fire while people stood around recording on their phone as if witnessing something so horrific wasn’t enough, they just had to capture it to rewatch or share. The government flat out lying to us about these drones and gaslighting reporters. A car plowing into a Christmas festival in Germany, then another into a crowed NYE party on bourbon street. Another school school shooting, the rediculous perp walk NYPD put on for the United CEO shooter when they know over half of America is rooting for this man. And today I learned about a group chat of 70,000 men discovered dedicated to sexually assaulting theirs and EACHOTHERS wives and children. I just don’t want to believe the world is full of so much evil, I want my hopeful view of humanity back. I’ll never forget the sandy hook shooting, I came home to my mom sobbing infront of the TV. When I asked her what’s wrong she said, “I’m just so sad for the world you kids have to grow up in.” It’s like she had a premonition of things I could never, in my wildest dreams imagine were to come of society.

submitted by /u/Radiant-March7424
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