Any rational explanation for the PizzaGate "$60,000 worth of hotdogs"?

3 hours ago 3

I read the original email leaks and I'm well aware that the going theory is it was code for Obama ordering a bunch of child prostitutes or whatever to the whitehouse. What I'm interested in, is what, if anything, was ever put forward as an alternative explanation for this? Whether something "innocuous" or an alternative conspiracy?

I don't think I ever heard anyone put forward another explanation for it, and it's always weirded me out a fair bit. There's simply no way a gathering at the white house of presumably a few hundred to a couple thousand people at most, could ever need $60,000 dollars worth of hotdogs, right?

There's a lot in those emails that seemed very odd, although some of the stuff that more directly related to pedo theories could be more easily explained away if you were so inclined. But there was this and a few other things which just seemed outright odd and lacking any kind of other explanation, at least none I ever saw put forward.

"The kids will be in that pool for sure" was one that came across creepy with the prior context but could arguably be innocuous, "we found a pizza related map" was definitely starting to be pretty bizarre, and "$60k of hotdogs to the whitehouse" took the cake for me as just being obvious code for something.

Curious if anyone has alternative explanations or if it just remains unexplained with the pedo/pizza thing being the only going theory?

submitted by /u/Positive_Note8538
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