Am I wrong to not take life seriously?

1 month ago 24

I am often told I don't take things serious enough, and that's considered a fault, but I'm wondering if I am in the wrong that I feel life should be an adventure, that we should enjoy the good and just ignore the evil as much as possible. I always look for the silver lining, always joking and having a good laugh at so called "tragedy" when it happens to me (though I am not callous enough to laugh at another person's misfortunes). I don't worry about the future, nor do I worry about the past, I kind of think today is the only time I really have and I'm going to enjoy in spite of any circumstances. I am often faulted for this, do you think I'm wrong? If I am, what would you suggest I change about myself?

submitted by /u/Infamous-Pain-7697
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