Am I normal?

4 months ago 45

So I have this thing, I think it's a mental disorder, but I don't have it black on white so nobody believes me ofc by just me saying some nonsense, where I don't realize the consequences of what I do or say, sometimes for a few mins, sometimes for a few months. And I build this habit of saying ,,What did I do?" everytime someone sighs in my way, is angry and Idk why or when they just call my name. And there was a weird woman at work who was our mistress (luckily they threw her out because she was awful to ppl, like she literally said to me that if 3 ppl have day off on my final exam day, she won't let me take a day off that day.. even thought literally the law says that they have to let us) and one time I asked that question when she was near me and she said ,,Is she normal?" and from that day on, everyone at work hated me, and even more when I did something bad (like when I said to the mistress's replacement mister if he could talk less vulgarly and he blew up on me. And I, to this day, didn't realize that it's something bad..). I know I AM mentally ill and because of that I do things that are inaproppriate and childish and don't realize what it can do and don't care what ppl would think of me. I am ashamed of being alive.

submitted by /u/carolmeii
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