Am i Homofobic for not going to a prinde parade?

2 months ago 68

See im not homofobic i realy don't care about these guys or how they leve theyr life If they don't disturb me ofcourse. But when life it's sweat somone must fuck it and thath one for me vas Valentin or Valentina as he forced us to call him. Im frome Romania and in my contry LGBTQ opinion is 50 to 50 so i cant Say we are haters but also cant say se are suporters. Șo Valentin aka Valentina was our bro we nicknamed him "grasu=the fat one" for a completly other resson then bully him actualy he wasrealy slim se called him this as a joke. At first grasu' was realy fryendly he helped us hang out whith us do almost enithing whith us. Like a whole sumer only whith grasu' was a dream he's mom always cook for us when we visit him he was always happy and funny. But evrything charched in a sumer day when at the end of the footbal day when we all walk to our home grasu' decide to trow the bomb. Right then right there and he said: "umm guys i think i might be like another person like not feeling like being a Man" we all laugh becouse we taugh he made one of his joke about LGBTQ comunity he always did thath. But he did'nt laugh, thath was the moment wnen i relaize he was talking seryos. I was thinking for a moment still not belive this is tru but after i replayd "it's okay bro you will always be our bro no meter what" he smiled "okay but i hawe an condition!" I was confused "what condition?" I asked then he replayed "do not call me grasu' enymore dose'nt sound realy feminine." We all smirk. Not becouse of his new identity and becouse of the fact thath we called him this nickname for too loong and it to Simply frogot it. "Okay we will try" said one of my friend then Valentin stoped at his house and left not even saying bye or somthing. We all remain speaclees. How grasu' the most homofobic oerson i ever meet sudenly become an transgender??? But we still thouth thath his joking and he will completly frogot it next day. But no the next day insted of playng socer whith us the boys he decised to remin in the side whith the girls as a small cut he neverd had a stabil relationship whith girls they always curs him and trows things into him but about this tine he was accepted by the group of girls and played whith theme all the time we played socer. Thsi was a bit bad for us becouse he was normaly the goalkeeper so we list a teammate but in rest we had nothing to do about it. Many mounths pass se allredy started the Scholl and we notice thath now Valentin aka grasu' was now more like Valentina becouse he become so feminin most teachers start to ask why îs Valentin not at Scholl and whos the new girl. We all remain shock couse of the sudenly transformation of him or her i don't know how to call it enymore. It almost passed a yer we end the 8th grade and moved to High schol me and my group friends don't comunicate to much enymore becouse of the hard scholl worck we had to get done. But in a day Andrew one of our friends decide to trow up an party at his house so we can feel the good old summer days like they happening right now. We hawent got eny alchohol or girls we where good guys but the only "girl" who cmae was Valentina aka old grasu' thath decide to came at a non alchohol party whith a whole galon of beer and drink it almost all when sudenly he remember somthing then he told us on his girl Voice "uhhh guys maybe you whant to come this weakend at the pride parade to see me in action? Like will be the gratest think you will probably ever did to me" we all desagree and aud no. Her face turns red as She hears us and then a big scream hit me in the face "HOW DISGUSTING CAN YOU BE!! I NEVER THOUTH THATH IN SORAUNDED BY HOMOFOBICS LIKE YOU I HATE YOU ALL I WISH I NEVER MEET YOU!" during us listen to her rage Andrew stand up and says "the least respectfull think You can do now it's to leve my house now!" he looks at Andrew like he just shot her mother "WHAT?!? YOU MY BEST FRIEND ARE KIKING ME OUT?" Andrew then replays whith "whe never been clise friends i was allways an joke subject for You so now get out" She refuse saying " I WHINT LEVE UNTIL YO-" She has no time end her sentinse couse Andrew yall at her whith all of his force "YOU RELAY WHANT TO SEE HOW IT FEEL TO BE TAKEN BY COPS? GET OUT!" hes surprised probably nobudy yelld ar her like thath back before but whithoth saying enithing else She grab her bag and leves. Today grasu' is the new nickname for Andrew since thath day but evrytime im saying it i feel like i lost an camarad.

submitted by /u/According-Ad2968
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