Am I a moron?

3 months ago 35

Something very embarrassing happened to me the other day. On Tuesday, at around 4 pm, I had gone over to a public elementary school that I went to as a child (the school day there ends at 3:20, so all of the students had already left and gone home) to play on the swings. After I was done playing on the swings, I walked around the building (on the outside, not the inside), and I was looking in the windows as a way of strolling down memory lane. That’s when some staff members saw me and freaked out. But it was still after school hours. One of them then came out and told me that I had to leave, so I left. Then, when I got to the parking lot, another staff member came out, stopped me, and started reprimanding me and telling me that I was trespassing. When he was done reprimanding me, he took a picture of my car with his iPhone and told me to dismiss myself, which is what I did.

Fearing that the people at the school would give that picture to law enforcement so that I could be tracked down and arrested, I decided to send a message to the principal of school on LinkedIn that evening explaining what happened, and asking him to please not report me to the police. When I woke up the next morning, I realized that what I had done was incredibly stupid, because I had revealed my identity to them by sending that message to the principal, so I deleted my LinkedIn account in the hope that maybe the principal had not yet seen my message.

Later that day in the afternoon, I decided to call the elementary school as an anonymous caller, to see if I could find out what information they had on the incident from the previous day, and what they were planning to do about it. I called the main office, and I asked them if there had been any trespassing incidents that had occurred at the school recently, and the person said on the phone that they did not have access to that information and hung up. Then, a few minutes later, the main office called me back, and it was the principal on the line. The principal said that he had been told that I was inquiring about a trespassing incident, and asked who I was. I then said that I was an anonymous caller, and he said that he would not give any information to anonymous callers. He then said "is this [my first name] [my last name]," to which I said no, but to which my heart then sank because that let me know that he had read my message before I deleted my LinkedIn account. I then said that I had to hang up, and then he hung up.

The evening of the day after that, since I was still feeling anxious, I decided to contact one of the teachers that I had in elementary school on Facebook. I explained to her what happened, I asked her if there had been any notification sent out about what I did, and I also asked her if she felt that I deserved to be punished for what I did. She responded the next morning, telling me that she never heard anything about it, and that I wasn't in any trouble.

However, she apparently brought my messages to the attention of someone, because later that day, some security guards from the school came knocking on the door of my house. No one was home to answer the door, but my mom and brother saw them on the security camera of our house, and they freaked out (I had told them about what happened the day before). My mom called me but I didn't answer. I started heading home because I knew something was up, and then when I got to the house, my brother shouted out to me to pull over. He then explained to me what was going on, and told me to stay home because mom was scared, but I drove away as he turned around to speak to my mom on the phone.

I then went into a parking lot, called the main office, and I told them my name and that the principal wanted to talk to me about something. The principal wasn't in that day, so the security person at the school spoke to me instead. He told me that I wasn't in any trouble and that I didn't need to worry, but but he told me not to go back to the school for any reason, and to not get in touch with any of the teachers at the school (the teacher who I contacted has since blocked me on Facebook). I then texted my mom brother letting them know that everything was okay, but they never answered me, so I decided to go home.

I then found out that they hadn't responded to me because my brother had gone to pick my mother up from her job and bring her home. My mom had also called the main office, and they explained to her everything that had happened and was happening. (Apparently, one of the people who saw me said that I was knocking on windows, which is not what I was doing!). She then told me to stay home, because she had been told that the security guards were going to come back to the house, and that they would have to speak to me in person. We then waited, but after two hours, I got tired of waiting and decided to go out. I then went to the movie theater and bought a ticket to see Gladiator II. After spending an hour at the movie waiting for the movie to start, it became abundantly clear to me and my family that the security guards were not going to come back, which made sense because I had already spoken to the security guard, and he already said everything he needed to say to me over the phone. I also decided to exchange my ticket for a ticket for the next day, since I felt it was too late for me to be seeing a three hour long movie at a movie theater.

I feel really stupid about sending those messages. For one thing, I revealed my identity by doing so, and that wasn't a smart move at all. Also, I made that whole situation a lot more intense than it needed to be by sending those messages, and I feel bad about that too. Those people at the school probably would have just forgotten about that incident in a few days if I hadn't sent those messages. I feel like such a complete moron...

submitted by /u/Emperor-of-Epicness
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