Almost 30 and living with parents (no idea how to find a job that would help me move out)

3 months ago 32

I feel very stuck and need help getting my shit together. I know anyone reading this would see me as an absolute loser whose life can't be fixed, but venting online might help me make actual steps in order to be better. I'm 28 and have stalled my engineering degree (which should've lasted 5 years) which means I still didn't finish it and have no cerfiticate for doing my actual career. I had a lot of mental issues that impacted me in my 20s so I was unable to be focused enough to do everything on time and now I just feel lost. I live with family in a separate unit of the same house, so thankfully at least I have my own privacy (separate apartment) - but still, I have no idea how other people have money to pay for their own place at my age. I tried applying to jobs in my field and working but they pretty much gave me an estimate that my starting monthly salary would be 300$ per month, and maybe 400$ if I have a degree. That's not even enough for rent let alone everything else. I live in a smaller city in a small country where inflation is going crazy right now and the prices are higher than other european countries. I have absolutely no idea how others are able to survive. Does anyone have a clue what type of job I should try that could at least pay me enough to rent? I'm so lost and frustrated. The only people I see living normally here are mostly people in IT/tech but that's just a small percentage. Either the economy is so fucked or I am unbearably stupid.

Thanks for any advice

submitted by /u/Icy_Astronaut_2995
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