All Viruses are Parasites (And why Eating Bugs is the Goal)

2 months ago 31

The revelation that Ivermectin is effective against Covid-19 (and frankly, effective against the flu in general) reveals a logical extreme in the world of parasitology. It is that the human immune system is more powerful than we initially thought. A virus propogates via traumatic reproduction and assimilation through host cells, but will always (except in cases of rotting flesh being the transmission vector) become less deadly with each new generation of virus.

You can't propagate if the host is dead, after all.

So why bugs? What do parasites have to do with this? Simple. Parasites are immunosuppressants; they inhibit the body's ability to fight off infection because they take away the necessary energy to do so. This is why Ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug, also helps the body fight of viral disease.

Look at studies of farm-raised insects, and you will find that 79% of them are contaminated with human-transmissible parasites. Suddenly, the push for insects as alternative protein makes more sense, doesn't it?

Create the problem, and sell the solution of endless pharmaceutical dependencies.

submitted by /u/LevantXIII
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