My life is kind of a mess. Im 27 and I got a DUI last year and a few months after that got in an argument with my girlfriend which led to us breaking up. I very low cost of living and I’m starting up a 2nd job that is work from home for stability. I don’t see a lot of my friends because they’re in relationships or have moved with their significant other and most of my days are spent just playing games I don’t even find joy in. It sucks because I am a sociable person and used to have plenty of friends but I’ve made some mistakes. Now I want to move to a different city and just start fresh. I would like to ask you guys some questions feel free to answer any of them.
How does somebody find hobbies? The only thing I can think of is legos for me and I have a few in my room but I don’t see that as a longterm solution because you can only have so many. Other than that it’s just watching sports and playing video games which is mundane at best
How to make friends in a new place?
Some cities you recommended for a single male in their late 20’s
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